This course will connect emotionally with your safeguarding responsibilities. It will stimulate and support you as you reflect on the key requirements of the role and how these relate to your organisational context. Against a backdrop of current safeguarding legislation (Children Act 2004, Care Act 2014) it will help you examine your own role and the roles of others in the multi-agency world of protecting and supporting children and adults at risk. The skills and knowledge gained will raise your awareness of current risks and allow you to proactively develop your safeguarding role.
The course will assist in building your resilience in dealing with allegations against staff and in-depth understanding of how to protect and support those involved. By attending this masterclass you will understand the Child and Adult abuse investigation processes under Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and/or the Care Act 2014. It will raise your awareness of current risks and how to utilise a range of tools and audits to manage regulatory compliance and help mitigate exposure during Serious Case Reviews and/or Serious Adult Reviews. The content is based on current NHS Intercollegiate Documents - Roles and Competencies for Safeguarding and pitched at NHS level 4 for named professionals.
Key Learning Objectives
Understand the purpose, importance and role of the Designated Safeguarding Officer / Lead for safeguarding children and adults at risk
Explore the emotional impact from the disclosure of abuse
Explore the roles and responsibilities of other Safeguarding partners
Understand how to respond to those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and identify ways in which the Designated Safeguarding Officer can support staff and work with partners e.g.HR, LADO, DBS
How to manage and support staff through the process of allegations/and or disclosures / whistleblowing
Understand and explore in-depth your organisations safeguarding policies and procedures
Understand how your own values and beliefs can affect your role and responsibilities as a DSO exploring the emotional dimensions of safeguarding work for you and your workforce
Identify and understand the barriers to reporting and effective information sharing
To explore the difficult decisions to be made and the people they need to be made with
Understand how other Safeguarding Arrangements impact on Safeguarding, i.e. MARAC, MAPPA, Prevent Duty, FGM Duty, contextual safeguarding etc
To act as a source of support, advice and expertise within the organisation and liaising with relevant agencies and reviews e.g. SCR’s and SAR’s
Action planning section for development of Designated Safeguarding Officer teams