Safeguarding people who self-neglect: what works?
Suzy Braye OBE
Emerita Professor of Social Work
University of Sussex
This session will draw on evidence from the presenter’s research (with David Orr and Michael Preston-Shoot) into effective practice in self-neglect; it will consider:
• the range and scope of self-neglect work nationally
• the challenges experienced in practice
• what goes wrong – findings from safeguarding adult reviews in cases of self-neglect
• what goes right - service users’ and practitioners’ perspectives on approaches that support positive outcomes
• effective interagency working in self-neglect
Suzy Braye opens our conferences discussing what we mean by self-neglect with hoarding being under this umbrella of neglect of the domestic environment.
Suzy went through how we can understand self-neglect, explaining that it is important to “try to understand the meaning of the mess”
She talked about how we much be “working towards an relational approach” which must be “respectful” and “honest”
Self-neglect & Covid-19
Wendy Proctor
Designated Nurse Adult Safeguarding
Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group
• the impact of the pandemic on Self Neglect
• partnership working across health and social care
• examples of good practice
Wendy highlighted how Covid-19 created an increased risk of self-neglect.
Wendy discussed the changes coming in between partnerships and the new integrated care partnerships launching in July 2022.