Chair’s Welcome and Introduction
Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing
Salford University
Nurse/Non-Medical Prescribing in the Older Person
Nicky Hayes
Consultant Nurse & Independent Prescriber
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & Senior Lecturer, Kings College
• nurse/non-medical prescribing and the older person
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• demonstrating compliance with the NMC Code for revalidation
• the benefits of nurse/non-medical prescribing for older people
EXTENDED SESSION: Ensuring Patient Safety in Older Adult Prescribing
Priti Patel
Integrated Care Clinical Pharmacist for Older People and Independent Prescriber
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
• current issues and effective prescribing
• ensuring patient safety in prescribing for the older adult
• the importance of medication review and reducing ‘medication creep’
• reducing inappropriate and problematic polypharmacy
• reducing and monitoring drug side effects and interactions in older people
• supporting non-medical prescribers to ensure appropriate prescribing and deprescribing