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Cancer Survivorship Summit 2022

Chair's Welcome and Introduction & A Cancer Survivor’s Perspective

Ceinwen Giles
Director of Partnerships and Evaluation
Shine Cancer Support & Chair, the Patient and Public Voices Forum

• what support do people with cancer and living beyond cancer, and their families, need?
• improving public awareness of support for people living with and beyond cancer
• the impact of Covid-19 as a cancer survivor

Supporting people living with and beyond cancer during Covid-19

Nikki Cannon
Transformation Lead-Cancer Survivorship
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

• the impact of Covid-19 on cancer survivorship
• understanding what matters to people
• supporting people who are shielding and isolated
• developing services for cancer survivors during the pandemic 

Supplier Showcase : Aspire Pharma - The Long-term Impact of Dry Mouth

Chris Curtis
Head & Neck Cancer Survivor and Founder of  The Swallows Head & Neck Cancer Charity

•    the impact dry mouth has on daily life
•    the less known impact of dry mouth
•    details of an effective treatment solution

EXTENDED SESSION: Delivering an effective and personalised living with and beyond cancer programme

Claire Taylor PhD MBE
Macmillan Nurse Consultant in Colorectal Cancer
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
& Member, NHS Cancer Programme Clinical Advisory Group

This session will focus on the learning from developing an effective and personalised
programme for adult cancer patients. The session will look at the critical success
factors in delivering an effective service. The session will include a focus on developing
outcome data with a focus on the positive impact of our services

Supplier Showcase : Amoena - Non-invasive solutions for breast asymmetry

Katie Brook-Baker
National Sales Manager
Amoena UK

• the main causes of breast asymmetry
• how this can be addressed with non-invasive solutions
• introducing Balance Adapt Air, our latest award-winning breast shaper with air chamber technology that adjusts to fit every body shape 

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