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New Menopause in the Workplace report

A report released by the The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has revealed that, despite increased awareness and advances in workplace support for women, some workplaces still need to do more to recognise and address the impact of menopause symptoms.

Based on a survey of over 2,000 women, aged 40 to 60, who are currently employed and have experienced menopause symptoms, the research found that; "Most working women (aged 40 to 60) have experienced symptoms related to menopause transition and over half have been unable to go into work at some point due to menopause symptoms."  

"The research shows that a lack of support can have a negative impact on career progression and even causes some women to leave the workplace entirely, but feeling supported at work can make a considerable difference. The report calls for line managers to receive training so they can learn more about menopause symptoms and feel able to have open and honest conversations about the support that is available." www.cipd.org

Full Report: Menopause in the workplace: Employee experiences in 2023

Featured Event:

Navigating Menopause at Work

WED, 9 OCT 2024 | Virtual, Online

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